Luxury weekend
Yes if there is a room available M and I intend to have a cosy weekend (In December). With Christmas buffet and castle breakfast. We’ll see what they say.
Click on the picture and you will find their website.
I hope we get room two IF it has a bath…
Photographer :Wolfgang Kleinschmidt
It now remains to see if they manage to keep the level as well. We were of course very disappointed at Le Rouge (Be ware, bad google translation).
My beloved angel-cat
I miss you and I love you so much!

Midsummer: an ancient Swedish custom
Whilst not being particularly spoilt by sunlight in the winter, us Swedes tend to spend all our summer energy soaking up the summer sun. Midsummer Eve marks the highlight of this summer period and it´s time to celebrate the longest day of the year. During this summer solstice, when the Earth’s axis tilts the most toward the sun. The intensity of the celebration may seem odd to people that aren´t starved of sunlight.
To a foreigner it might seem like the Swedes have gone mad! Usually reserved and never the highlight of the party, on midsummer us Swedes will let down our guard, some with a little help of some schnapps. I´m sure we look a bit deranged when we let lose all of a sudden.
We wear wreaths with birch leafs and wild flowers, often clad in traditional dress, we sing and dance toâ€smÃ¥ grodorna” (The little frogs song)? and “Björnen sover” (The bear sleeps). In the little frog song we hop around like frogs while in “Björnen sover” a nominated person pretends to be a sleeping bear until the song is over, then the “bear” chaise the fleeing crowd. There isn´t one person in Sweden that doesn´t know the steps to these dances.
Midsummer Eve always falls on the third Friday in June so people can enjoy a long weekend as celebrations often continue long into Midsummer Day, when people are mainly recovering from the “festivities” of the previous night.
Stockholm~ The love of my life.

The love of my life I call it, some people call it “the Venice of the North” or “The City that Floats on Water”. Acording to me it’s the most beautiful capital city there is. The city itself is built on 14 islands linked by a net of bridges that takes you to new and wonderous places where you can loose yourself, charmed by Stockholm. I was born and raised here and have only left for a brief period of my life when I lived in Florida, USA.

Nearly 1.6 million people live in the Greater Stockholm area.Stockholm is a mix metropolis and rural charm. Stockholm also gives you an archipellago with its 24 000 islands islets and skerries.
Atually I was raised not in the middle of the city but on one of those Islands, A place called Ingarö. Ingarö is located about 20 min by bus from the center of Stockhom. It’s like living on the country side and still having a chanse to catch the hustle and bustle in a metropolis. Mmmmmmm you have to come here and se it for yourself!
Stockholm enjoy mixing past with present, and Stockholm is packed with new and historical treasures.
To know all about Stockholm you have to go back all the way to the 13th century and the best place to discover it is in Gamla Stan, which literally means “Old Town”. An enchanting place Famous for it’s cloistered, winding cobbled streets, filled whith history… like such terror as “the stockholm bloodbath” but also romanticsongwriters writing romantc lyrics to their beloved… you find all this in the walls of the houses all nestled around the Royal Palace, wispering history to you as you pass them. One feels at the heart of a medieval fantasy.

National day
It’s time to celebrate the national day in Sweden (also know as the day of the Swedish flag). We celebrate it in memory of when the Swedish King who, in June 6 1809, signed the papers that later became the Swedish constitution, even the current constitution of today was signed June 6 1974.
For some reason June 6th didn’t become a public holiday until 2005. So help us build our new traditions by joining in our National Anthem
The Swedish National Anthem Translation
Du gamla, du fria, du fjällhöga Nord, du tysta, du glädjerika sköna!
Jag hälsar dig, vänaste land uppå jord, din sol, din himmel, dina ängder gröna, din sol, din himmel, dina ängder gröna.
Du tronar på minnen från fornstora dar, då ärat ditt namn flög över jorden.
Jag vet, att du är och du blir vad du var.
Ja, jag vill leva, jag vill dö i Norden!
Ja, jag vill leva, jag vill dö i Norden!
Thou ancient, thou freeborn, thou mountainous North, in beauty and peace our hearts beguiling,
I greet thee, thou loveliest land on the earth, thy sun, thy skies, thy verdant meadows smiling.
Thy sun, thy skies, thy verdant meadows smiling.
Thy throne rests on memories from great days of yore, when worldwide renown was valour’s guerdon.
I know to thy name thou art true as before.
Oh, I would live and I would die in Sweden,
Oh, I would live and I would die in Sweden.
Bitch Quotes
“I do get called a bitch quite often. What I do NOT get called is pushover, stupid, sweetheart, dear or doormat. Works for me.”
— Rebecca M.
“When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a bitch.”
— Bette Davis
“Couldn’t, wouldn’t, mustn’t, shouldn’t – these are the laments of the spineless. I can and I will, but not because I must or I should!”
— Vicki B
“Never judge a man by the size of his dick, but rather by the strength of his spine that connects his brain to his ass.”
— Sandra
“The thing women have got to learn is that nobody gives you power. You just take it.”
— Roseanne Barr
“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.”
— Maureen Dowd
“Just because I accept you as you are does not mean that I have given up all hope of your improvement.”
— Ashleigh Brilliant
“I don’t have a problem with men. I have a problem with STUPID men.”
— Maggie Estep
Never fight with an ugly person~*~they have nothing to loose! *~
I’m not a snob I’m just better then you!
im not concided just self confident.
got a problem?
solve it.
Think im trippin?
tie my shoes.
Cant stand me?
back down.
Cant face me?
turn the fuck around.
talk shit get hit.
Dont be mean unless you gotta! If you gotta then be as mean as you can!
Of course god made men before women,everyone knows you gotta make the rough draft before makin the final masterpiece….dur dur dur lol
once a bitch always a bitch,so really there’s no use in trying to change me
Even if u boys sit n stare…bitches like us never care!!
Talk shit.. talk trash.. ur still talking about me
Date like a man so you dont get played like a BITCH
people start talking shit about me, I have no problem to walk down on the red carpet as famous star.
I’m not inconsiderate, I just don’t give a shit.
I guess I’m just a riddle wrapped inside a mystery inside of a bitch!
i may be a cruel and heartless bitch but at least i’m good at it
just because you are a great guy and im a great girl. does not mean we are great togetha..
just because you are a gret guy and im a great girl does not mean we are great togetha
“the more people hate me the more popular i get”
Beauty is found in the heart..
Not in the eyes of some jealous BITCH.
So when you say I’m ugly…
I’ll laugh my cute laugh
Smile and say these simple words
yeah, ill crush your dreams and make your life hell ; but if that’s what it takes to get me where i want to be, i just don’t give a flying fuck.
i LOVE this <3
I am not a BITCH. I just don’t like you!
What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we open and shut our mouths !;)
OUT THERE ! i’m to good for you 😉
Me and Karma, we like girls. She’s by far a bigger bitch then I’d ever hafta be, (:
You can never be a good bitch like me!if your gonna be two faced sweetie,make sure on of them is pretty!
You can never be a good bitch like me!if your gonna be two faced sweetie,make sure one of them is pretty!
Maybe you should leave and find your own solar system because here on EARTH!!!! The world doesn’t revolve around YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if they hate then let them hate.!!!
If I was a bitch I would make you life a living hell but instead I’ll just sit Bach and watch you do it your self.
You can’t have the last laugh if I stab your throat with the knife you left in my back.
Hate all you want…you can’t break a girl that thinks nothing of you.
You might think im a heartless bitch but im not so stop talking shit!
I haven’t met Mr right, but i have met Mr. Wrong, Mr.Player and Mr. Asshole .
I am not a bitch. I just speak what in my mind! my opinion!
Go ahead and talk your shit, But here’s a word of advice. Click your heels together & sayy “I need a life
If the ocean was made of vodka and I were a duck, I would swim to the bottom and never come up.
But since the ocean isnt vodka and Im not a duck, Just hand me the bottle and shut the fuck up.
*im a bitch because i want.. & will change when i want.. so stop screwing me!
*its such a great pleasure to see ur face when u know i won
bitches you can go fuck yourselfs while the BIGGEST ONE OF ALL fucks your boyfriend(:
B- beautiful
C- crazy
H- hella nice(: jkjk lOl
so heres what you called me so thanx sweetie(:
i was born bitch, so what’s your excuse? 🙂
B. Beautiful
I. Intelligent
T. Talented
C. Cunning
H. Horny
If you don’t like me there’s nothing I can do news flash bitch I don’t live to please you. <3
You know damn well you aint a bad bitch. You just look bad, bitch.
[…] “Bitch Quotes“:  “Couldn’t, wouldn’t, mustn’t, shouldn’t – these are the laments of the […]
look mama im dressing like a bitch
leave me alone mama let your little bitch grow up!
im a bitch im honest.
If you’re gonna be a Bitch, be a classy one 😉
B= beautifull
I= individual
T= that
C= causes
H= hardons
When I was born the devil said: Oh shit competition! Now here comes this bitch thinking she be bitchier than me! Bitch please, I own this shit!