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Just another day

Weather: Cloudy grey raw yuck!
At the dinner table: Who knows!?
Wearing: jeans and t-shirt
Contemplating: How I will finish my workproject before vaccation
Plus: All site project seems to be doing OK
Minus: Stress at work… (but on a reasonable level)

Sunny day

Weather: The sun showed up today…
At the dinner table: Meatloaf with olives and feta
Wearing: Tank-top and jeans skirt
Contemplating: Comunitysites and what makes and breaks them
Plus: I’m full, I still have vacation
Minus: I’m bored


Weather: Grr fall can’t be here already!?
At the dinner table: Sausage with strange name
Wearing: Tank-top and jeans skirt
Contemplating: Boredom
Plus: Vacation
Minus: Headace

Hotter than hell

Weather: Hotter than hell, cant go outside without getting sticky.
At the dinner table: Sushi!!!
Wearing: Towel
Contemplating: Dr Snuggles… How strange I haven’t seen or heard about Dr Snuggles since I was a kidd yet I keep hearing the leadsong in my head…Explain PLEASE!
Plus: I had a terrific day at work…everything I did worked perfect!
Minus: There isn’t 30 hours in a day…

Mystical weather

Weather: Mystical… it seems it doesn’t know what it wants to be
At the dinner table: Tender flié
Wearing: Well tried my new bikini and bathing suite
Contemplating: Weight…
Plus: I’ve lost half a kg …again …yay!
Minus: Well new bikini of coures 🙂


Weather: Well let’s say it’s summer alright…
At the dinner table: WE’re planning to BBQ…and B-day cake ofcoures…
Wearing: A new tanktop my mom gave me for my b-day
Contemplating: Not much… I’m just enjoying the moment
Plus: A new addition to my kitchen! Mika bought me exactly what I asked for Probably me as I will gain a lot of weight from slipping from my diet … but today it’s OK
Minus: It’s almost too hot to be comfortable

Close to midnight

Weather: Cool and fresh but that is only because it’s close to midnight…
At the dinner table: Chicken sallad… not enough callories today but hey tomorrow it will be cake as I turn 35
Wearing: Soon nothing as I will take a bath
Contemplating: That I’m a lazy butt when it comes to updates and that I need to connect the cam again
Plus: I got off work early today as we selobrate Midsummer in Sweden tomorrow
Minus: I don’t have enough t-shirts

Right now…

Not much of a blog entry as I only moved the right now section… so I’m not going to call this an updat 😉
Weather: Insane! The other day I wondered where was summer and now I found it!!!
At the dinner table: something light I just spent 500 calories on an icecream
Wearing: Well more than I wish I was…Hot hot hot
Contemplating: Why my fiance think I would look redicoulus on this maybe I should go for this?
Plus: Well not me, I lost 2 kg last week.
Minus: Still not feeling 100%